Yasuhiro Uema Sensei is a 10th dan in Shorin-Ryu Karate and a member of Okinawa Shorin-Ryo Karatedo Kyōkai

Yasuhiro Uema Sensei was born on August 15, 1945 in the district of Shuri in Naha. At the age of 12, he began practicing Karate under the direction of his father Jōki Uema Sensei, and completed by further his knowledge through the teaching of Chōzō Nakama Sensei (1899-1982), Seitoku Ishikawa Sensei (1925-2013) and Teikichi China Sensei (1924-2003).

In the early seventies, Yasuhiro Uema Sensei founded his Shorin-Ryu Karate school on the recommendations of his teachers and with the support of the Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Karatedo Kyōkai of which he was a member. As he not only wishes to share his knowledge of Karate, but also to ensure the transmission of the many katas that have been taught to him and to promote a spirit of peace and brotherhood, he decides to give the name of Shubukan (守武館), to his dojo.

Indeed the three kanjis forming this name means to protect, shu (守), the military thing, bu (武), and vast residence, kan (館). The name Shubukan can therefore be interpreted as the "place where one learns to protect". According to Yasuhiro Uema Sensei, for him it is as much about protecting people, the knowledge acquired in the past or good understanding between people.

In 1985, he received 6th dan from the Japan Karate Association, and in 2000 9th dan from the Okinawa Shōrin-Ryū Karatedo Kyōkai.

It was from 1997 that he began to teach his art abroad, first in Switzerland and Canada. He is today not only the director of the Shubukan, but also the technical director for Karate of several dojos and schools, both in Okinawa and in Switzerland, Spain, Czech Republic, Canada or the United States.

In November 2021 Yasuhiro Uema Sensei who was awarded his 10th Dan.

Courtesy of Yasuhiro Uema

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